One of the finest cigar venues in London, Cigars at No. Ten offers an unsurpassed range of hand-rolled Havana cigars. Be spoilt for choice with our extensive selection of Cigars and enjoy sampling a cigar in our indoor tasting room, before making your choice of single stick or box to purchase. All Havana’s are meticulously maintained by our dedicated Cigar Team, who house them in a bespoke De Art humidor, ensuring that your chosen cigar arrives in the optimum condition.

Experience the full service of cutting and lighting on the unique all-weather terrace. To that, add the perfect accompanying drink to match your choice of Havana and a delicious bite from our Bar menu. Cigars at No. Ten is proud to be an official Gold Havana Cigar Specialist.

Feel free to reach out to us on with any specific requests or queries you may have


Smoking Areas Information

Cigar Terrace:

  • Opening Times Mon-Sun: 12.30pm to 9pm
  • Dress Code: Smart Casual
  • Minimum Spend: £35 per person for every 2-hour slot (the rule is not applicable for hotel guests)
  • Services: Selecting, cutting & lighting of cigars by our experienced team

Cigar Shop & Sampling Room:

  • Opening Times Mon-Sun: 12.30pm to 1am; Wed-Sun: 12:30pm to 1am
  • Dress Code: Smart Casual
  • Minimum Spend: £35 per person for every 2-hour slot (the rule is not applicable for hotel guests)
  • Services: Selecting, cutting & lighting of cigars by our experienced team
  • Sampling of cigars is only for cigars purchased from Cigars at No.Ten
